Mircoorganisms have disrupted many lives and businesses responsible for sickness in their crops, employees, and their bottom lines.
A.I. technology can assist your company in detection of unwanted micro-organisms through high end automated constant monitoring or by manual processes.
Thats up to you, but this assistant to your company will prove to be invaluable and keep you going.
Our company provides accurate real-time reporting of potential problems, current problems, and what applications will be needed to
correct those problems using software. Simply, our AI application saves you time, money, and human capital on disruptions before they disrupt
your bottom line.
We utilize Artificial Intelligence applications for the detection of microorganisms deposited in our system from the air, water, or on surfaces.
Patents are pending worldwide.
Most, if not all plants, trees and bushes, have, or will have, a disease, pest problem, virus or fungus.
Some will be deadly, others will be innocuous. Nevertheless, the treatments
to these issues are the biggest challenges in the cannabis industry.
With minimal disturbance, quick treatments and high accuracy, we can detect and treat pests and pathogens affecting your crops.
Fast detection to provide early diagnosis of disease so growers can make informed decisions quicker.
Limit the amount of diseased crops and the potential time and effort to mitigate disease spread.
CEO - Dr. Paul Shotton
Paul Shotton holds a physics PhD from the University of Oxford and has more than 30 years of practice in risk analytics and executive leadership. He is the founder of White Diamond Consulting, advising companies in the finance and technology sectors. Paul developed his knowledge of markets in high-level trading and risk management positions at major financial institutions, first at Goldman Sachs, Deutsche Bank and JP Morgan in London, and subsequently, in New York, at Lehman Brothers and UBS. Paul is a frequent publisher of articles on economics, corporate governance and risk management, and is the author of Doomed To Fail: Why Government Is Incapable Of Living Up To Our Hopes.